Friday, June 15, 2012

10 best Android application

10 best Android apps - paid apps
Spotify has taken Europe by storm
We've already shown you our favourite 30 best free Android apps, but what of the produce from those developers keen to actually make a bit of money from spending all their spare time hunched over a development phone?
UPDATE: More great apps at Top 150 best Android apps
It is possible to find free alternatives that offer similar features to most of the below apps, but some of the paid-for app crowd are simply so polished and innovative you feel duty-bound to occasionally throw the maker a couple of quid as a thank you.
And don't panic because we're mentioning money here - the average cost of this little lot is around two dollars a pop. In return, you're able to tether, customise, share data and more, all in incredible style, thanks to the work of Team Android's finest people.
Read on for our pick of the 10 best paid-for Android apps...
1. EasyTether, $9.95
A rather steep asking price on this one, but it's worth paying - that one-off fee lets you use any Android phone as a 3G modem, freeing yourself from the misery of having to use wireless hotspots. The free demo works for causal browsing, but refuses secure (https) connections, rendering half the internet broken. Hence you might want to buy the full app.
2. Beautiful Widgets, €1.49
The maker of this app got into a bit of trouble with HTC for cloning its HTC Sense UI look a little too well, but a few rejigged fonts soon fixed that and got it back on the Android Market. Your micro-transaction gets you a stunning collection of clocks and weather icons, bringing Sense-like style to any boring 'vanilla' Android home screen.
Beautiful widgets
3. Touiteur Premium, €1.99
You may well think there's not much room for a paid-for Twitter app on Android, with the likes of Seesmic and the official Twitter client already doing a damn fine job. But for a mere 1.99 euros the 'Pro' version of Touiteur adds a home screen widget, in-app browser and support for the Twitlonger protocol. For the 'power' user in you.
Touiteur premium
4. Vignette, £2.99
The quite frankly terrible standard Android camera app can be customised too, thank god, with superb tools like Vignette bringing numerous effects and shooting options to all Android handsets. A self-timer and geo-tagging tools are the headline additions, while casual snappers will love the wacky colourisation toys. Make your phone's camera actually useful.
5. 360 Live, $1.99
An extremely clever app that brings the worlds of Microsoft and Google smashing together, granting users slightly limited but impressive-all-the-same access to their Xbox Live accounts via Android. Manage friend lists, compare achievements, ping messages about what time you'll be in Call of Duty-land tonight and more, all for less than you'd waste on a rubbish hat for your 360 Avatar.
360 live
6. More Icons Widget, $1.99
A superb little enhancement that really ought to win the creator a job and substantial pay cheque from Google, this manages to miniaturise four app icons and squeeze them into the space usually occupied by one. Looks a bit scruffy around the edges, but if you want everything contained on the one screen, it does the job.
More icons widget
7. Spotify, £9.99 subscription
The streaming music service that's taken Europe by storm. You basically get what seems like all the music ever recorded, apart from the newest stuff, for free, in exchange for a £9.99 per month subscription. There's also offline syncing so it doesn't break if you're out of wi-fi range, plus access to all your PC playlists - and multitasking so it doesn't go quiet if you need your phone for something else.
Spotify android
8. DroidBox Pro, $1.99
The developer of DroidBox has somehow managed to squeeze more features into his Dropbox-compatible app than are contained within the rather feature-light official Dropbox Android client, with this unofficial enhancement of Dropbox's web interface letting you create folders, force uploads and generally tinker with things as Android users are wont to do.
9. Open Home, $3.99
Not a mere app, but an entire facelift for your Android phone that allows complete customisation of the Home screens and icons. Better still, the developer and community pumps out numerous compatible skin packs constantly, letting you have an Android OS that suits your every shirt.
Open home
10. Documents To Go, $14.99
If you have a tiresome job that requires constant access to the 'Torture Suite' made up of Excel, PowerPoint and PDF, you can probably put a copy of Documents To Go on expenses, letting you read and edit popular PC file formats on the go. Managing a complex Excel spreadsheet on a HTC Tattoo might be a bit of a chore, but if you're stuck in an airport for 36 hours it could be a lifesaver.
Documents to go